Betekenis van:
in the end

in the end
    • after a very lengthy period of time


    in the end
      • as the end result of a succession or process



      1. In the end, he landed in jail.
      2. In the end, they approved the proposal.
      3. In the end, the diligent person succeeds.
      4. The poet went mad in the end.
      5. In the end, we got the information.
      6. In the end he achieved his objective.
      7. It'll come right in the end.
      8. His research bore fruit in the end.
      9. Everything came out okay in the end.
      10. In the end, Jane didn't buy it.
      11. He lost his happiness in the end.
      12. In the end, he did not come.
      13. He didn't come back in the end.
      14. In the end she chose another kitten.
      15. Patience wins out in the end.